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Membership in the Jackson County Amateur Radio Club, Inc.


All persons interested in Amateur Radio Communications shall be eligible for membership.  (Membership shall be by application and election upon such terms as the club shall by its By-Laws provide.)  Licensed Amateurs will be full members.  Anyone without a license is eligible for Associate membership without voting privileges.  Associate membership may also be held by licensed Amateurs who wish to help support the club, but do not wish full membership.  If more than one person in the same family wishes to become members of the club, one member will pay the standard rate for dues.  Additional family members pay dues at a reduced rate.


Applications for membership shall be submitted at a regular meeting in writing. Each applicant must express a willingness to abide by the Constitution and By-Laws and other rules promulgated by the club. Three-fourths (75%) of those present must approve the applicant before he or she shall be considered elected to membership. Any new applicant will have their request for membership read at one meeting and voted on at the next regular meeting.





  Membership Application Form 




The membership application form can be downloaded from this site, via this link.

                                                         [Download Form]


The completed application may be submitted at a club meeting, or it can be scanned and sent via email attachment to the club at:   info@JCARC.net




